Our Story

Lawrence Shipley Sr. creates his original recipe for hot, fresh, handcrafted "do-nuts" so fluffy, simple, and delicious that we still do our donuts his way to this day.

After selling his donuts for just 5¢ a dozen on the wholesale market, Lawrence Shipley Sr. does something truly special, opening the first Shipley Do-Nuts in Houston, TX.

Today, donut lovers still do everything they can to get a taste of Shipley’s heavenly glazed donuts – served hot and fresh just the way Lawrence liked them. To quote the man himself,
“When they bite into that hot do-nut, it will bring them back every time.”
And, well … he wasn’t wrong.

The plain glazed donut is still our most popular style, but with over 60 varieties to choose from, there’s always a new flavor to discover.

So, whether you get one to stay, to go, or to make someone’s day, everything we do at Shipley is so you can go out and Do-Happy.